St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Three Holy Days

From the Heart...

Nearly everyone has a favorite holiday.  My favorite is these three holy days ~ the Triduum.

Holy Thursday liturgy is rich with beautiful memories from the life of Jesus.  Throughout scripture we are lucky to have a view of Jesus sharing meals with his friends but none so memorable as Jesus sharing the Passover meal on the eve of his death.  During this meal, Jesus chose to give us the gift of the Eucharist and while I have intense love of the Eucharist, the most beautiful elements of Holy Thursday for me are the moment that Jesus knelt to wash feet and when he knelt in prayer and agony in the garden.  The two show the very human side of our Lord. 
As Jesus washed the feet of his friends, he gave us the most humble example of how we should treat each other.  He sat with his friends sharing a meal knowing that he would be facing death.  In time of trouble, Jesus showed us to whom we should turn, our loving Father.  In agony he prayed that God would release him, yet honored God and surrendered to his will. 

Good Friday.  Two cross beams – a symbol of torture and a symbol of my salvation.  The silent solemn gathering as we behold the wood of the cross always brings tears to my eyes.  As I venerate the cross, I can’t help but wonder if I am worthy of the suffering that he bore on my behalf.  When I think of the nails piercing those beautiful hands, I am filled with an incredible sense of being loved - for he showed us that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend.  I am forgiven and redeemed by his blood.

Easter vigil ~ darkness is turned to light as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.  I love watching the spread of light as darkness is pierced by each flickering flame.  It is incredibly moving to witness someone stepping into the baptismal waters and stepping out claimed for Christ in anticipation of their confirmation and first Eucharist.  The gates are open for he is alive.

Come celebrate these three holy days.

#washfeet   #iamforgiven    #beamazedbythelight


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