St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Operation Rice Bowl

From the Heart . . .

Every year we religiously take home the CRS Rice Bowl at the beginning of lent.  When our children were young, we were pretty consistent in praying for highlighted family of the week.  Every year I would begin lent with the intention of making the weekly recipe.  We would throw our spare change in throughout the 40 days, and if we found that we weren’t too generous with our spare change, we would put a $5 or $10 in the rice bowl before turning in our rice bowl on Holy Thursday.  Does this sound familiar to you?

As our children grew and our gathering around our dinner table declined, we have gotten out of the practice of using the rice bowl as a form of prayer during the Lenten season.  Inspired by the 40th anniversary of Operation Rice Bowl, I am trying to get back into the practice of truly using the rice bowl to help me, and my family, practice the three pillars of lent ~ prayer ~ fasting ~ giving.

I love the daily reflections and the suggestion of the sacrificial giving for the day.  I especially liked the suggestion of putting $1.00 in the rice bowl for every chair at your dining room table.  This really hit a heartstring for me because the dining room table is the heart of our home, even if we aren’t gathering for a meal.  As I put that $6.00 in the rice bowl, I realized that each dollar doesn’t represent the chair, it represents my child who is able to comfortably sit and never have to worry about being hungry.  Perhaps that dollar will bring comfort to another mother somewhere in the world who struggles daily just to feed her child, let alone provide shelter and comfort. 

With the help of CRS Global Kitchen, we have made two of the recipes and have found them to be quite delicious.  Perhaps since two of our children have served our global community, I am more aware of global solidarity than I ever was before.  Looking for a way to celebrate Lent? 

Prayer:  Pray the Rice Bowl Prayer and read the message for the day
Fasting:  Prepare the suggested dish ~ or eat simply at least one night of the week
Giving:  Be intentional with your sacrificial giving

#4Lent4Life  #prayfastgive #40yearsofserving


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