St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Corporal Works of Mercy

From the Heart . . .

During these past cold, blustery winter mornings, I have found my thoughts turning to the homeless.  Where do they find shelter and warmth?  This brings to mind the corporal works of mercy. I am sure that the beds at Warren Mission have been filled to capacity these past few weeks as they shelter the homeless.

 One night last week on my drive from the Parish to my home in Warren, I noticed bags hanging all along the rod iron fence in front of City Hall.  I came to find out that an organization put together a hat and glove drive; placed the items in clear Ziploc bags and hung them around the city for the needy to keep warm.  Would this thoughtful work of mercy fall under the call to clothe the naked?  I think so!
Stained Glass Window
One month ago, teens and parents from our parish prepared and served lunch at the St. Vincent DePaul Dining Hall.  It was cold that morning as well, and I can’t help but think of the guests who will be standing in line during these unseasonably cold days waiting for those doors to open in order to receive a nice warm meal.  I learned that it was quite an honor to feed the hungry.

Always ahead of his time, Jesus gave us simple tweets to live by:
#feedthehungry #clothethenaked #shelterthehomeless #visittheimprisoned #careforthesick #givedrinktothethristy #burythedead


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