St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, April 5, 2015

He’s Alive

Easter Sunday – my favorite day of the year – hands down.  The celebration for me begins at the Easter Vigil.  A few weeks ago, I saw Gary bringing in a large narrow box, and I wanted to shout, “The new Easter candle is here, the new Easter candle is here.”  I am filled with anticipation to see what Father Balash has chosen for us this year. 
I love how we begin outside with a new flame and then that flame is shared and breaks through the darkness as our candles are lit.  This to me is a beautiful, visual reminder that we each carry the light of Christ within us.  It is a light that shines brightest when it is shared with others.

I have always felt a connection with Mary Magdalene.  For me, she represents the epitome of pure Christian love.  I often hold in my mind the image of her going to the tomb to anoint the body of her friend, and upon arrival find the stone rolled away.  I imagine her dropping the holy oil and spices and running to see if someone has harmed his body.  She arrives in the tomb, only to find the shroud.  I imagine her picking it up and holding it tight to her chest in tears and confusion.  Where is her Jesus?  Suddenly He appears and she wants to touch him but he keeps her at a distance, and so she runs filled with joy and wonder to spread the good news HE IS ALIVE!

The image of the empty tomb came to life for me nine years ago when my sweet Grandmother died.  My grandparents have one of those large above the ground tombs.  As we were leaving the cemetery, mom wanted to pass by the tomb.  As we approached, I could see that Grandma’s stone was sitting to the side so that her earthly remains could be encased in the tomb.  My first instinct was to look inside because I wanted to see my Grandfather’s casket – I don’t know why – that little five year old girl just longed to see her grandpa.  Then I snapped back to reality and it hit me – the tomb is empty.  I know that empty space was waiting to receive Grandma but all I could think of was the TOMB IS EMPTY – she is alive and is rejoicing with the Holy One! 

“He’s alive and I’m forgiven, heaven’s gates are opened wide.”  Rejoice my friends; share your light of Christ with others; spread the Good News!


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