St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Second Sunday of Easter ~ Disciples

Ok, so we left off with Mary running to spread the Good News.  I reflected on this as I drove to Chicago with my family.  We were heading out to Loyola University of Chicago for Welcome Weekend for our Anna.  One of my beautiful Aunts lives in Valparaiso, so of course, we were going to visit her on the way.
As I was driving, I reflected on all of the powerful women God has put in my life.  Good, Christian Catholic women who were not afraid to wear their faith on their sleeve.  It is no wonder that I have always felt kindred with Mary of Magdala, for I come from a long line of women of faith who stood by their Jesus Christ and spread his good news in both word and deed. 

I need to name some of these disciples of Christ. First and foremost my mother, Rose; my aunt and godmother Virginia; my grandmother Victoria; my aunts Debbie, Marian, Josie, Dolly, Mary, Dorothy; religious women Sr. Jean, Sr. Yvonne, Sr. Mary Cora and countless friends.  I name these women because they passed their faith to me.  They taught me how to be a solid Christian mother and I try to live by their examples of unconditional love and service to God and His church.  Now, it’s not like we sat around the table and studied scripture, rather, they followed the call of our Lord to worship and serve others; reaching the marginalized, caring for the sick, feeding the hungry.  This brings to mind the words of St. Francis; “Preach the Gospel at all times, if necessary use words.”

Well, much to my children’s dismay, I love words!  I have much work yet to do to become a better Christian.  The words of Sirach often get me right in the gut “a silent wife (mother) is a joy to her home.”  Yikes – my poor husband and children!  I feel that one of my biggest responsibilities as a mother is to be sure that my children know, love and serve my God.  It is important to me that my grandchildren grow to know, love and serve God.
Who has passed the faith on to you?  I encourage you to take time and reflect on who has made sure that you know, love and serve God.  Take time this Easter season to thank them for being a disciple of Christ. 

#spreadthegoodnews   #knowloveserve   #passion



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