St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, August 16, 2015


St. William celebrated a wonderful family meal today at our annual Parish Picnic.  As usual, Father Balash had the perfect homily . . . reminding us of the open invitation Jesus offers us every day to come to his table and share in the sacred meal of the Eucharist. 
I personally was very emotional today at Mass, for when my Anna walked into the worship space, it shot right to my heart that this was our last Mass together before she goes off to college.  My Anna, who many of you blessed as she was carried around the church on her baptism day, will be leaving Tuesday for Loyola Chicago.  It dawned on me that I will not have the chance until next summer to listen to her as she proclaims the Word of the Lord.  Oh, it hit me hard.  I love to hear her tell Christ’s story.  Then Father had to go and talk about Eucharist and I thought . . . oh no . . .after the family Mass at Loyola I will not be able to share the Eucharistic meal with her until she comes home for Thanksgiving!  Oh boy . . .I was in trouble.  If you were at Mass today, now you know why I started on the wrong chord for the Communion song . . . I was a mess inside.

The picnic has always been such a fun event for our family.  I remember when the children were little and they would get soaked by fire truck.  Back then the children got to sit up in the truck and the truck would drive them around in the parking lot.  It was always the highlight of the day!  I am so grateful that this simple tradition remains as part of our day.  Seeing these young children soaking wet brought back so many wonderful memories for me.

So, thank you my Saint William family for helping me get through a tough Sunday.  As I sit here sharing my thoughts with you, my Anna is finishing up her packing.  I am enjoying being in her presence, my heart is over being sad and I look forward to traveling to Chicago and spending three days helping her get settled in, going to orientation, and then the highlight of the festivities, celebrating the Sacred Liturgy with her in the beautiful Loyola chapel. 

My prayer for Anna and all of our graduates of the Class of 2015 as they spread their wings to college,

 "… Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed,
 for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."                                Joshua 1:9

Stay safe and go forth to proclaim the gospel with your life!


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