Well, once again, God has
provided fitting scripture for another milestone of our parish community. Today, we celebrate with our high school
seniors to honor and support them as they prepare to graduate from high school. Life
after Graduation is marked with a multitude of emotions for both the
parents, and the teen who must learn how to become a young adult in today’s
We know that while scripture
was written to a specific audience, it is at the same time speaking to us today
in Northeast Ohio in the year of our Lord 2015.
I pray that all who read this blog are strengthened in their faith as I address
the Class of 2015.
My brothers and sisters in
Christ, I hope that you pay heed to the words of Jesus Christ when he says to
us “Remain in me, as I remain in
you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit
on its own
unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.” John 15:4
unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.” John 15:4
YOU are the first class to
which I taught Sacramental preparation.
I remember being scared out of my mind with the weight of that
responsibility. Just as I wanted to be
sure that you were prepared to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and
Eucharist for the first time, I want to be sure that you are armed with the
knowledge of your Catholic faith as you walk onto the path of your adult life.
He is the vine – you are the
branch. Remember this little song “He’s the vine and we’re the branches, he’s
the vine and we’re the branches, he’s the vine and we’re the branches, and
that’s why we’re bananas for the Lord.”
You will meet others, as no
doubt you already have, who have no idea who Jesus Christ is or have heard how
he suffered, died and rose so that we might enjoy eternal life. Throughout your lifetime, you will come
across people who will question your beliefs.
My prayer for you is that you REMAIN IN JESUS, AND ALLOW HIM TO REMAIN
Count for a minute how many
times you may have said to your parents, “Why do we have to go to Church?” You must now look in the mirror and ask
yourself, “How am I going to remain in Jesus and allow him to remain in
me.” It is solely your choice whether to
stay attached to the vine or reject the vine. Every adult faces this same
question. I want you to remember when
you make this choice every day, the rest of the scripture verse “a branch
cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine.” I bear witness to you that a life connected to
the vine brings joy beyond measure.
Being connected to the vine gives strength that is needed to survive the
hardships of life.
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask
for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By
this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”
John 15:7-8
Know this, I love you because God loved you into being, and
know that I am here should you need me.
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