St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, June 14, 2015

One Nation under God

I am not a political activist by any stretch of the imagination, and I do not want this blog to become a place to vent political views.  However, on this the day that our nation sets aside to honor the Flag of the United States of America, I feel compelled to talk about this “one nation, under God.”

Our Little Rock Scripture Study group had nice healthy conversation concerning our nation recently in studying the Gospel according to Mark.  The scripture verse that sparked the conversation is this:

“Whose image and inscription is this?” Mark 12:16  

You know the story ~ the Pharisees and Herodians are trying to trick Jesus in stating his allegiance to God or Caesar.    Jesus answers by saying:

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”  Mark 12:17

I have always viewed this as a statement from Jesus that it is proper to serve God and country.  In reflecting upon this passage of scripture and the commentary which accompanied the study, I have a more full understanding of what Jesus was trying to say.  Here is what Marie Noonan Sabin has to say in the New Collegeville Bible Commentary:

     “There is more at stake than money.  Mark shows Jesus using language that would have reminded his audience of the most important verse in Genesis: ‘God created human beings in God’s image’ (1:27).
     What the response implies is this:  Caesar’s image may be on the coin, but God’s image is inscribed on every human being.  Jesus’ response is first of all a theological one.  The theological answer, moreover, touches the core of Mark’s Gospel, because Mark has shown Jesus himself to be the image of God.”

If we as Christians believe in this fundamental root of our faith; that we are made in the image and likeness of God, then we must remember that “God’s image is inscribed on every human being.”  It seems to me in our efforts to keep the separation of Church of State, we have somehow allowed there to be a separation of God and humanity.

The flag that flies over every government building, covers the casket of a fallen soldier, is handed to a grieving spouse or child of a veteran once represented a nation that honored God.  Sadly, I fear that this is no longer the case.  I recently read an article given to me from the Tribune Chronicle titled “The decline of Christian America.”  It is a startling slap in the face to me of what our nation has become.  We seem to have failed, my fellow Americans, to teach our children to love God with their whole heart, their whole mind, their whole soul.

Let us look in the mirror every morning and remember that we are inscribed with the image of God.   Let us look at our neighbor and remember they are inscribed with the image of God.  Let us stand from sea to shining sea and honor our God, for it is He who created the majesty of the mountains and oceans white with foam.  May he mend our every flaw and shine his grace upon us.



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