St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, June 28, 2015


As I write this blog, I am anxiously awaiting my very first “mission” trip with teens from our parish.
  We leave first thing Monday morning and have two days of serving the people of God in Cincinnati.  I already feel like this
is not enough and I have not even packed my bag!
  I have been drawn to this type of work since I was little, but here I sit; 51 years old and finally have the courage to venture beyond my backyard to serve God’s people.
When I was reaching out to teens to join this mission experience, I thought of looking up the definition of the word mission.
  Here is what Google has to say:
noun1.  an important assignment carried out for political, religious, or commercial purposes, typically involving travel. "a trade mission to Mexico" synonyms:  assignment, commission, expedition, journey, trip, undertaking, operation
2.  the vocation or calling of a religious organization, especially a Christian one, to go out into the world and spread its faith.  "the Christian mission"
synonyms:  vocation, calling, goal, aim, quest, purpose

I shared with teens that “we will embark on an important assignmentof helping those in need  . . . spreading faith not by word but by our action!”

In looking back on these words, I realize that to me, mission is more of a verb rather than a noun.  It is the action of being the hands and feet of Christ and carrying out his call to be a servant to others.  Our scripture study group has been talking about service to others as we have studied the Gospel according to Mark.  Mark continually shows us that Jesus lived out his love of the Father by serving others even to death.  Jesus calls us to honor the Father in both our words and deeds. 

Please keep our group in your prayers this week as we join 35 others and travel to Cincinnati.  Know that we will pray for the good people of Saint William and together let us remember that we are called to be a light to each other and to the world.



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