St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

His Presence

Oh – I have spent the past six Mondays “Awakening my Faith” with the most incredible group of people! As our time came to a close last evening, we listened to “The Eyes and Hands of Christ” by Tom Kendzia, and I commented how much they have been Christ’s presence to me over these past six weeks.  Being with others who share my love of Jesus Christ and hearing how they live out their baptismal promises was truly inspiring to me.  It got me thinking about how each of us make Christ present in the world through our acts of kindness and love toward each other.  This inspired me to write a little note to someone who has made Christ’s presence known to me. 

I often talk about “God’s time” and “little pockets of grace.”  After writing my note, I opened my email to find my daily 3 Minute Retreat from Loyola Press.  Alas – the topic of reflection this day is “We Are Christ’s Presence!”  God is always watching out for me!  I want to share with you part of the retreat reflection and I encourage you to visit Loyola to experience the 3 Minute Retreat (You can use the direct link provided on the News/Events Page of the St. William Champion website-

These words affirm my experience of Christ and His Church.  I not only find myself describing our Holy Mass in much these same words, I find that I need to be broken open in order to make room for Christ to enter here!  I find myself being poured out as I struggle with being “the Body of Christ.”  This indeed is not easy work; no, it “is not passive.” As we enter into the Holy Triduum I am reminded how the physical body of Christ endured so much for me!  I am reminded how his hands took nails for me.  Knowing that makes it possible for me to reach my hand out to others.

I pray that you take time to celebrate these three holy days and remember that Christ has no body now but yours!



Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sealed with The Spirit

On February 28 our youngest son was sealed by the spirit along with nine others young men and women of the church from St. William and young men and women of the church from St. Mary, Warren; St. Joseph, Mantua; St. Brendan, Youngstown; Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Lowellville and St. Edward, Youngstown.
Nathan McCue affirming his faith
with his sponsor and Bishop Murray
2/28/16 at St. Columba Cathedral
As a sponsor for one of our young ladies, I was lucky enough to have a front row seat which enabled me to witness everyone one of these young men and women being sealed with the spirit.  It was a beautiful gift to be able to witness Bishop Murry signing their foreheads and shaking their hands to congratulate them for making this commitment to their faith.  As I watched each of these members of the young church approach the Bishop I could not help but wonder what God has in store for them as we sung out “Veni Sacte Spiritus” . . .Come Holy Spirit!  I can’t wait to see how they will continue to grow in faith and learn to become adult members of the church.

Now, I know I have shared with you before how I love the rituals of the Catholic Church!  The sights and sounds and smell!  I have to admit that I kind of freaked my son out a little bit because I kept smelling his forehead.  Even as I write these words I tear up and am covered with a chill that can only be the presence of the spirit with me!  This reminds me how we humans need tangible signs of God’s presence in our lives.  There is something about the smell of the chrism oil that brings me a sense of complete peace.  When I ponder that Christ himself was anointed with sacred oil I feel such a connection to him.  I am reminded that he loved me so much he became one of us.

The day after Confirmation, our Awakening Faith group gathered to explore the question, “Do I Really Need the Spirit?”  Oh – God’s timing that this session would fall the day after my sweet son was confirmed as: Nathan Charles Wolfgang!  Do I need the Spirit . . . A resounding YES!  One of the questions was “what powers you the most?”  Well, besides coffee, the first thing that came to my mind was the gift of working with the young church.  I am filled with wonder and awe as I watch young men and women come into ownership of their faith.  

This feeling was further affirmed for me yesterday as I listened to three previously confirmed young adults of St. William address the newly confirmed.  They shared what their faith has come to mean to them and how serving the church has brought them closer to God and brings them such joy in knowing that by answering God’s call, they are giving thanks to Him for the many gifts they have received.  

To quote Chandler,
     “God knows and loves us always, even when we do something wrong or let him down.  We are constantly showered in unconditional love.  Being involved in ministry makes me feel like I’m giving back for that love. We are all imperfect human beings, but we are also strong-willed and capable.  If we honor God for the sake of honoring him, we have already received every reward that matters in this life.  So I encourage you, give it a shot. Try anything, even if it’s just singing a little louder at Church on Sunday (and believe me, I’d appreciate that, too) or helping clean up the Church after a holiday.  Give a little back to the guy who gave us all.
     I hope that in my brief talk, you found something to relate to and take with you as you start your journey in the Church as adults.  I wish all of you the best of luck, love, and happiness.”

Thank you Olivia, Noah and Chandler for showing us the face of Christ!

May each of us be inspired by the challenge to “just give it a shot” and awaken our faith to serve our good and merciful God!

