St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Serving our Young Church

I love working with the young people of our parish and teens from other parishes and Kennedy.  It is incredibly life giving to watch young people develop the gifts that God gave to them.

It was such a privilege on Saturday to work alongside our teens to serve dinner for our seniors.  Throughout the four hour work window, over fifty teens in grades 7-12 gave up their Saturday afternoon to be of service to others.  Whether they cut dessert, served the meal or washed dishes, they carried out their duty with such joy.  It was amazing to watch them interact with our guests ~ which was the hope that we had in mind when we planned the dinner way back in July.  I am so proud of their good work and their joyous spirit. 

Thursday morning, I will be leaving with two of our teens to head to the National Catholic Youth Conference.  I am so looking forward to seeing 25,000 teenagers come together to give worship and praise to our God.  I know that the air will be a-buzz with their enthusiasm and energy.  I so look forward to being revitalized by their spirit.  Throughout the four days, I will be posting messages on Facebook, so be sure to stay tuned in as I try to put into words all that we experience while in Indy.
I ask that you keep us in your prayers, and assure you that you will remain in our prayers.  The theme for NCYC is Here, I Am Lord.  I can’t wait to see how our young church answers this call from God when he beckons, whom shall I send.  For now, I personally answer, “Here I am Lord, send me.”



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