St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, April 10, 2016


I have been thinking lately about how much time I spend waiting and those thoughts naturally led to how many of us wait for a variety of things.  We wait for the birth of a child, or for a loved one to take their last breath.  We wait for medical test results – will this be cancer?  We wait for academic test results – will my ACT be good enough for the scholarship I hope to receive – will I pass this course – will my child pass their driving test – will my parent pass their driving test?  We wait for a child’s first tooth to come in and we wait for partials to be completed.  We wait in line for groceries and in the hope of gaining employment.  We wait for our parent to pick us up from school and we wait for the end of the work day so that we can be with our children.  We wait for the phone to ring in hopes that someone would just call to say hello.

The more I thought of all these things that fill our lives with wait and worry – I found myself drawn to the upper room.  Sometimes when I wait and worry it feels as if that darkness of the upper room encompasses my every thought and feeling.  It sometimes becomes so easy to allow the darkness of despair and hopelessness to rule my world.  I suspect that you may battle with that darkness just as I do at times. 

I cannot fathom what Mary and the eleven felt as they locked themselves in the darkness of the upper room.  Jesus was such a bright light in their world and such a source of hope.  That darkness must have been a crushing weight upon them.  We can relate to the weight of that darkness – but when we face that darkness with can know with certainty what the friends of Jesus could only wait for in hope.  We can enter darkness knowing that we are not abandoned!  Jesus is there in the darkness right along-side us – whispering our name and calling us to him.

So my friends, when you find yourself waiting and start to let that darkness surround you, remember to wait in hope – for HE is there!

The Promise by 4Him has often gotten me through times of waiting . . .

