St. William Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church

Sunday, February 22, 2015


The call of Lent to have a deepened prayer and spiritual life, and the gentle nudging of a trusted friend, has inspired me to begin the blog, From the Heart.  In hopes to bring others to a closer relationship with God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, I humbly share my thoughts of how I feel God is working in my life. 
I tend to be a very contemplative person, and while I am not even close to the spirituality of the great mystic Saint Theresa of Avila, I do enjoy quiet time with God.  I find these quiet moments as I fold (not sort) laundry, gaze out my kitchen window while washing dishes (which is often since we do not own an automatic dishwasher) and as I drive from here to there. 
These three examples are quite telling – for they deal with things that are messy, dirty and often very hectic – and they always end up somehow clean and fresh and often soothing. 
Isn’t that what God asks us to bring to Him – our mess – so He can lead us to wholeness? 
I pray that this blog brings you food for thought as you grow in friendship with our awesome God!

From the Heart,
Tina McCue